D.D.T- Dani’s Dance Talk
This is a podcast all about dancers, and the world of dance! Dance moms, Dance dads, dancers, judges, professional dancers, and more! There will be so much dance content for you to come back for every week!
Dani has 24 years of experience in the dance world, as a dance mom and dance photographer. Her daughters both teach dance and her son is a competitive dancer currently.
50 episodes
Updates on Crew
Crew is Dani's son. He is a competitive dancer with aspirations of being on Broadway. Crew was one of the first guests on the show, and he shared some of his dreams on that show. Well, some of those dreams are coming true so He is giving us a l...
Season 3
Episode 5

Early takeaway of competitions so far
Melanie has been traveling to the East coast where she has started her Competition judging for the 2025 season. She is going to tell us a little bit about what she is seeing so far and her take away of how it is going, as well as things to reme...
Season 3
Episode 4

talking with real dancers
I want to do a segment once a month or at least once every other month where I talk with dancers all around the globe about their experiences with Dance. On this episode, I have Hailey Bushman and Brighton Herring on to talk about what they lov...
Season 3
Episode 3

Follow your dreams with Lola Nelms.
A while back we had studio owner Kelly Nelms on the podcast talking about women who do it all, well now we have exciting news about her daughter LOLA Nelms. Tune in to see how Lola at only age 11 is making her dreams come true.
Season 3
Episode 2

Putting your Left foot forward.
Happy New Year! Dani has been a little ill and Melanie is taking the reins for our first episode of 2025. We are excited about a wonderful sponsor of today's episode Leotard Boutique. http://www.leotardboutique.com/ A U.S.A company wit...
Season 3
Episode 1

Judges 2.0
Welcome to our Judges 2.0 episode. Last season, one of our most popular podcasts featured Melanie discussing what judges expect from competitors. This week, we're joined by three outstanding nationwide judges who will share their insights for t...
Season 2
Episode 21

National Competitions/Conventions
so excited to have three major national conventions chatting with me about their new Utah locations. We have Star Power, Encore and Platinum talking all about how these conventions can help you as a studio owner or dancer.
Season 2
Episode 20

Dance Social status and non profit info
On today's episode I talk with Jen Stapley and her daughter Cambria Parents. We discuss how social status can affect your dance experience and the wonderful non profit they have that can help dancers everywhere.
Season 2
Episode 19

Dear dancer, You are enough
today I do a little pep talk to my dancers. I want the dancers to know they are enough just as they are.
Season 2
Episode 18

mothers who do it all
On this episode we have Kelly Nelms a dance mom, studio owner, dance clothing line owner and mom of Lola who will be starring in that girl lola on we the studios network, talking to us about how she does all of it and what is important to remem...
Season 2
Episode 17

Branching out as a choreographer with Brinley Linton
In this episode I talk with choreographer Brinley Linton who talks about the steps she took as a choreographer to branch out and travel to different studios.
Season 2
Episode 16

Dancing for Film with Athena Davis
Athena is a local dancer, videographer and photographer. She explains why she got into dancing in films and how you can start and find resources.
Season 2
Episode 15

Acting for Dancers with Bemomager
on today's podcast I talk with Annie Semenova owner of Bemomager. She talks about how important it is to get your dancer into acting and how she can help moms be their own manager to make things happen for your child.
Season 2
Episode 14

Boundries with parents
Today's show I have Leah Hoskinson from Washington, talking with me about Boundaries with parents. When to let them in, draw the line and how their behavior impacts the dancer.
Season 2
Episode 13

Do I stay or do I go? (teacher addition)
in this podcast myself, Melanie Durham and Miquela White talk about teachers who are deciding whether to stay at their current studio to teach or move on. We discuss the red flags and green flags for these decisions.
Season 2
Episode 10

Building Resilient Dancers
This week I have the owner of The Vibe dance Studio in Utah (Erin Rich) talking with me about how to build Resilient Dancers. How to support them as owners of Studios, teachers and parents.
Season 2
Episode 12

All about Tap
So excited for this episode on Tap with Melanie Durham and Mike Wittmers a well accomplished and well known tap expert. Todays topic is all about TAP. I am so excited because tap has recently become more exciting to me.
Season 2
Episode 11

Chin Up Buttercup
This week Melanie Durham will be helping me out by doing an episode all on her own. This episode is kind of an ending the dance season on a high note episode. It is for Dancers, Dance teachers, Dance parents and Dance studio owners. Do not miss...
Season 2
Episode 8

to much to soon
We are seeing an increase in what our little dancers can do but is it too much to soon or too fast? Melanie is back to discuss this topic with me.
Season 2
Episode 7

Coming to Dance Sick
Please let me know your thoughts on this matter. I talk about my feelings on bringing your children to dance sick.
Season 2
Episode 6

The Food at Competitions
Competitions are lacking when it comes to healthy options for our dancers and spectators. Please hear our cry for better choices. Join me as I discuss what some people are doing to keep their kids healthy.
Season 2
Episode 5

Charity Anderson from World of Dance & Derek Hough tour
I am so excited to welcome one of my favorite people Mrs. Charity Anderson (Reid) to the podcast this week. I have known Charity for many years and to say she is just as nice and humble as she is a great dancer is an understatement. Charity And...
Season 2
Episode 4

Bullying in Dance from Dancers, teachers, owners etc.
This topic is so needed. Every dance studio has issues with this, which is why I will not say names etc. of my guests. We as Parents, dance teachers, Dance studio owners, etc. Need to be aware of what is going on and try to find a solution inst...
Season 2
Episode 3

Starting a dance Competition with Randi Carter
On this episode, we have Randi Carter, owner of Hustle Dance Events a new competition. She will talk with us about Why and how she started a dance competition and how keeping up with the times is What is going to set her apart.
Season 2
Episode 2

Traveling with your dance/theater groups
I am so excited to welcome Corina Johnson from all point travel. Corina was part of the dance community for many years, She now owns a travel company that specializes in dance group travel. This is the way to go for all your large or small grou...
Season 2
Episode 1