D.D.T- Dani’s Dance Talk
This is a podcast all about dancers, and the world of dance! Dance moms, Dance dads, dancers, judges, professional dancers, and more! There will be so much dance content for you to come back for every week!
Dani has 24 years of experience in the dance world, as a dance mom and dance photographer. Her daughters both teach dance and her son is a competitive dancer currently.
D.D.T- Dani’s Dance Talk
Traveling with your dance/theater groups
I am so excited to welcome Corina Johnson from all point travel. Corina was part of the dance community for many years, She now owns a travel company that specializes in dance group travel. This is the way to go for all your large or small groups. I do not love Zoom because I don't really have time to fix the sound levels so sorry about that.
A dance podcast all about everything dance. Dancers,parents, studio owners, judges all weigh in on their opinions of the dance world.