D.D.T- Dani’s Dance Talk
This is a podcast all about dancers, and the world of dance! Dance moms, Dance dads, dancers, judges, professional dancers, and more! There will be so much dance content for you to come back for every week!
Dani has 24 years of experience in the dance world, as a dance mom and dance photographer. Her daughters both teach dance and her son is a competitive dancer currently.
D.D.T- Dani’s Dance Talk
Bullying in Dance from Dancers, teachers, owners etc.
This topic is so needed. Every dance studio has issues with this, which is why I will not say names etc. of my guests. We as Parents, dance teachers, Dance studio owners, etc. Need to be aware of what is going on and try to find a solution instead of adding to the problem. I have chosen to leave the names of people off for privacy and because I do not believe this to be any one studio's problem.
A dance podcast all about everything dance. Dancers,parents, studio owners, judges all weigh in on their opinions of the dance world.